
Showing posts from December, 2023

WTHSoc Feb 2024 Meeting Details

  Date - 23 Feb 2024 Time - 20:00 (Doors open 19:30) Location - Weston Turville Village Hall Title - "A Warning to Country Folk" Speaker – Graham Harrison Entrance - £2 members, £3 visitors Tales from the Elizabethan Underworld; An often light-hearted examination of some of the cons, swindles and outright thievery practiced on unwary visitors in 16th Century London. Both shocking and amusing - and you thought the city was dangerous now! This talk comes to us from the Sun Jester group of historian/educators. They last entertained us in March last year with Towse Harrison’s “Science and Superstition – Medicine in the Roman Empire” Graham is a freelance Educator and historian. The meeting starts at 8pm in the village hall and is open to all. Entrance £2 for members and £3 visitors. Doors open at 19:30 for welcoming refreshments. For further information about the Society visit the Society’s web page www.WTH