The Gadsden Ink Stand

We became interested in the Gadsden family when a pewter pen and ink desk set presented to "J Gadsden and wife" by "The Weston Turville Cottage Garden Society" in March 1900 appeared for sale on eBay. This would appear to be Jeffrey and Edith Gadsden who lived in Home Farm with their children. Bucks Herald 10 March 1900 PRESENTATION . - Before the announcement of the allotment lecture, on Monday evening, a very pleasing event took place. The Committee of the Garden Allotment Society, who had long felt that they would like to show their thanks in some tangible way to Mr. J. Gadsden for his incessant kindness and help towards the annual Flower Show, made an appeal to the members of the Society for subscriptions towards purchasing some little present for him. Needless to say, this was readily responded to, and Messrs. E. Edwards and G. Sharp were appointed to purchase something useful as well as ornamental. The choice fell upon a handsome silver-plated inkstand, wi...