
WTHSoc October 2024 Meeting Details

Date - 25 Oct 2024 Time- 20:00 (Doors open 19:30) Location - Weston Turville Village Hall Title - “Another Icarus” Speaker – Roy Smart Entrance - £2 members, £3 visitors “Another Icarus” Roy Smart Meeting on Friday 25 th Oct 2024 The tale of aviation pioneer Percy Sinclair Pilcher and his wonderful sister, Ella, whose noble quest for flight ended tragically at Stanford Hall, on the banks of Shakespeare’s Avon; the first Englishman to die in the cause of ‘the conquest of the air’ when on the cusp of becoming the most famous name in aviation history.   Roy has been a popular speaker at our society, presenting “Wallis Simpson & the Abdication crisis” in 2020 and “David Beatty - Last Naval Hero” in 2018. Roy Smart   was a Naval Officer, Fleet Air Arm pilot and air director of many great national memorial events including the televised   D Day, VE and VJ Day   commemorations attended by the Queen and fifty heads of st

WTHSoc September 2024 Meeting Details

 Date - 27 Sep 2024 Time - 20:00 (Doors open 19:30) Location - Weston Turville Village Hall Title - “Henry VIII and the Art of Kingship” Speaker – Siobhan Clarke Entrance - £2 members, £3 visitors     “ Henry VIII and the Art of Kingship” Siobhan Clarke Meeting on Friday 27 th Sep 2024 No English king is as well-known to us as Henry VIII. He is famous for six marriages, breaking with the Pope, dissolving the monasteries and creating the Church of England; and for his ruthless elimination of those who stood in his way. But he was also an enthusiastic patron of the arts whose palaces, tapestries and paintings enriched the Tudor court and began the Royal Collection. The forces that influenced Henry’s life can be seen in the works he commissioned, by artists such as Pietro Torrigiano, Hans Holbein and Giralomo da Treviso. They tell us much about his kingship and (unintentionally) his insecurities. Ultimately, each of the works

A Poem crafted by Perplexity AI

Keepers of Weston Turville's Tales Formed by kindred spirits in '99, The Historical Society unveils Chapters of this village's storied line. Through lively talks and outings planned, They share the lore of this cherished land, Guiding us on the Millennium Trail, Regaling the past, lest memories pale. An archive amassed with tender care, Photos and records gathered there, Digitized for all the world to see, Windows to Weston Turville's legacy. Brass bands echoing through time's veil, Harvest feasts and contests unveil A vibrant tapestry, rich and bright, Woven by those who shed history's light. Hail the society's noble quest, Preserving our roots at their behest, That generations may understand The wondrous tale of this storied land.

WTHSoc June 2024 Meeting Details

  “ AGM + Weston Turville Criminality Part 1 ” Adrian Randall Meeting on Friday 28 th Jun 2024 Another AGM already. We are always hopeful of beating our 8 minute record. The quicker the AGM, the more time there is for this talk by Adrian, our Webmaster. This talk was originally intended as a presentation we had ready in case of an emergency. The research into crimes relating to Weston Turville and it’s residents became too interesting to potentially be left on the shelf. We have had to focus in on the 19 th Century crimes committed by a single individual, considered “The King of the Vagabonds”. This talk has an accompanying book containing the materials there was no time to include in the presentation. It will be on sale at the meeting for £12 (£10 a copy for members). Adrian lived in Weston Turville 1989 – 2019, and still keeps in touch. His previous talks related to the Cold War and the more obscure his