WTHSoc June 2024 Meeting Details


AGM + Weston Turville Criminality Part 1

Adrian Randall

Meeting on Friday 28th Jun 2024

Another AGM already. We are always hopeful of beating our 8 minute record. The quicker the AGM, the more time there is for this talk by Adrian, our Webmaster.

This talk was originally intended as a presentation we had ready in case of an emergency. The research into crimes relating to Weston Turville and it’s residents became too interesting to potentially be left on the shelf.

We have had to focus in on the 19th Century crimes committed by a single individual, considered “The King of the Vagabonds”.

This talk has an accompanying book containing the materials there was no time to include in the presentation. It will be on sale at the meeting for £12 (£10 a copy for members).

Adrian lived in Weston Turville 1989 – 2019, and still keeps in touch. His previous talks related to the Cold War and the more obscure history of our reservoir.

The meeting starts at 8pm in the village hall and is open to all. Entrance £2 for members and £3 visitors. Doors open at 19:30 for welcoming refreshments.  For further information about the Society visit the Society’s web page www.WTHSoc.org.uk or email Secretary@WTHSoc.org.uk


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