WTHSoc February 2025 Meeting Details
Time - 20:00 (Doors open 19:30)
Location - Weston Turville Village Hall
Title - “Caversham Park”
Speaker – Dr. Stephen Goss
Entrance - £2 members, £3 visitors
“Caversham Park” Dr. Stephen Goss Meeting on Friday 28th February 2025
The estate hosted the first two Stuart Kings and later imprisoned Charles I. It was involved in the Glorious Revolution, the War of Spanish Succession, and had connections to the American War of Independence. During the First World War, Caversham Park served as a refuge, and in the Second World War, it was taken over by the BBC, becoming a center for intelligence throughout the war, the Cold War, and the 'War on Terror'. An academic historian published in peer-review journals who has been a popular speaker in local historical societies and community groups for a decade. The meeting starts at 8pm in the village hall and is open to all. Entrance £2 for members and £3 visitors. Doors open at 19:30 for welcoming refreshments. For further information about the Society visit the Society’s web page www.WTHSoc.org.uk or email Secretary@WTHSoc.org.uk |